We are the Rock Community Fire Protection District. We are privileged to serve you and we do not take our responsibility lightly. We thank you for allowing us to serve you, your family and your business. Our job is to prevent fire, save lives and protect property. This organization was founded in 1941 as the Rock Community Volunteer Fire Association by a group of citizen volunteers that saw the need for fire protection in their community.
The first fire station was located in the basement of Arnold Auto Repair and housed a growing community. Engine house #1, located on Jeffco Boulevard in Arnold, and was built in 1959. Engine house #2 on Main Street in Imperial opened in 1971. Engine house #3 on Lone Dell at Tomahawk Dr. was opened in 1987. May 2000, we opened our 4th station at the intersection of Elm and Miller. On August 29, 2007 we opened fire station #5 at 3749 Telegraph Road. In the summer of 2008, this location will also become the site of a full service 3 bay maintenance facility and the headquarters for all District offices.
That small group of volunteers who began fire protection in this community has seen the District change and grow. Volunteers will continue to play an important role in the future of the Rock Community Fire Protection District.
Today, Rock Community still has citizen volunteers that work with the 73 full time employees. There are 60 shift firefighters including 3 Battalion Chiefs 15 Company Officers commanding 42 paramedics and firefighters. The Fire Prevention Bureau consists of a Fire Marshal who is supported by one full time office manager working with 3 inspectors and a part time office assistant. Our Fire Chief is supported by an Assistant Chief, two Deputy Chiefs, a P.I.E.R. Officer, a mechanic, and two office personnel that keep the District running smoothly. A total of 74 dedicated people work for your fire safety 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We maintain training levels for all firefighters that meet or exceed national fire service standards.
Your Fire Protection District has the reputation of being one of the most progressive in the area. We utilize some of the finest tools available to help us do our ever expanding job. The outstanding people who work for your protection staff the following apparatus: Engine house #1 has rescue ladder 7115 and Reserve rescue pumper 7194. Engine house #2 has rescue ladder 7125, support vehicle 7129 and rescue jet-boat 7199. Engine house #3 has rescue-pumper 7134 and support unit 7136. Engine house #4 has rescue-pumper 7144 and rescue ladder 7195. Engine house #5 has heavy rescue-pumper 7154 and 2 Zodiac rescue boats. All equipment is kept in tip top shape by our full time mechanic.
In addition to the firefighting and rescue trucks, we use state of the art support equipment to help protect you and your family. Your advanced life support and rescue equipment includes the jaws of life, hydraulic rams, airbags, water rescue and high angle rope rescue equipment, and paramedic 12 lead heart monitor /defibrillators. This equipment helps us keep pace with the rapid growth of the area, and provides a quality and cost effective emergency safety net.
Today there is much more expected of a fire district than in years past. With 3 major road arteries, two busy railroads, and two major river ways, many hazardous materials pass through our community every day that have serious potential for danger. In addition, we are called upon for every type of rescue you can imagine: fire, water, ice, auto, trench and building collapse, confined space, and outdoor search & rescue.