Rock Community Fire was honored to present the Whatever It Takes award today to David Maher of Mrs. Gobel’s 3rd grade at Windsor Intermediate. On Oct. 20, 2021 David called 911 for his father who was experiencing a medical emergency. David was able to call 911, give all of the information needed for Jefferson County 9-1-1 Dispatch to dispatch Rock Township Ambulance District – RTAD and Antonia Fire Protection District to help, remained calm, and followed the instructions of the dispatcher prior to the arrival of the first responders. David has shown great courage in his ability to take action in the hardest of times. The Whatever It Takes award is traditionally awarded to firefighters of Rock Community who go above and beyond their duties to serve their community. We feel that David did just that, he performed above and beyond what is typically expected of a 3rd grade student with incredible composure.The 3rd graders of Windsor have been participating in the Student Tools for Emergency Preparedness (STEP) program. In this program, students develop the tools to be better prepared in the event of an emergency and how they can keep themselves and their families safe. So far this year, we have discussed what is an emergency vs. non-emergency, how to call 911 and the information they will need, fire prevention, identifying fire hazards and how to correct them, CPR and choking, and first aid. In the upcoming months, we will discuss building a preparedness kit, having a family emergency plan, and severe weather safety. Along with Windsor, many of the Fox C-6 elementary and private schools in the Rock Community Fire Protection District are participating in the STEP program. We hope this program will continue to make a positive impact on the children and their families for years to come.